Ted cruz anti gay meme

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But the image and purported Cruz statement had been sent out by the group in this March 25, 2015, tweet: The afternoon we scrolled the page, we didn’t spot the Cruz meme. It is primarily satire and parody with a mix of political memes and messages.' The image had a tagline mentioning a Facebook page titled ' Stop the World, The Teabaggers Want Off.' Off we clicked, learning that Facebook page includes this disclaimer about its posts: 'This page is for entertainment purposes. SOURCE: Facebook post, Ma(noted by a PolitiFact reader April 2, 2015)

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Now let’s turn to the Facebook post brought to our attention most recently: senator who announced his presidential candidacy at Liberty University in Virginia, had conveniently flip-flopped on each president needing to be born in the United States. We recently found Pants on Fire a Facebook post saying the Canada-born Cruz, the Republican U.S. Here we go again: A reader just pointed out a Facebook meme suggesting Texan Ted Cruz declared America constitutionally off limits to gays and atheists last month when he declared his candidacy for president.

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